Thursday, January 26, 2012

What does Your Desk Look Like?

Any dog lover will tell you that dogs have a knack for creating comedy. This morning, Garcia took the stage.

As you all know, Vinson and Garcia are wonderful friends and share office space at The Seeing Eye. This morning Garcia quietly came in my office for the usual morning hello's, but this time I didn't hear or see him.

Coincidentally, Vinson had found one of Watson's tennis balls in the car this morning and managed to remove one half of the cover like a banana peel. Thankfully he didn't attempt to ingest it (something he would've tried without a second thought earlier in his puppy-hood)!

I placed the tennis ball on my desk when I arrived and  forgot about it. I was working away at my computer when I realized there was a big black and pink Garcia nose resting under my monitor, patiently awaiting some tennis ball play. The photo here shows the surprise I got!

Garcia's nose, a peeled tennis ball, and yes, that is Vinson and myself on the day we first met in the red frame.

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