Thursday, April 26, 2012

Chance Meeting

Vinson and I just ran into Vinson's dad while outside on lunch! The two met briefly and then went their separate ways.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

One Incredible Year: Vinson's Anniversary with Us

Remember this tiny pup?!
One year ago today tiny Vinson came to our home. We knew he would change lots about our daily lives but we never could've predicted how many experiences we'd have and how much we and he would learn in the year to come: Potty training, broken leg, ingesting underwear... it might sound like a tough bit of work but it's been nothing but a pleasure overall.

We're sure proud of how far Vinson has come. Now we'll see where he goes from here.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Vinson's Pal, Garcia, Featured in Seeing Eye Video

Garcia in a Race Car from the video
Vinson didn't make it into the latest Seeing Eye video, but his great friend Garcia did, and he has a "speaking" role!

Check out the short video on The Seeing Eye's YouTube channel.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

May 10. The Date.

Just spoke with our Area Coordinator, Jill. Vinson's recall date is officially Thursday, May 10. Exciting. Sad. Momentus. Here we go...

Easter "Cousin"

Vinson came along to Easter dinner and spent the afternoon playing with his "cousin", a Shih Tzu named Stewart. Like Vinson and Watson, the two made an odd but happy couple!

Vinson and Stewart

Dog Day Afternoon

Vinson, Watson and I made a visit to Pat and Garcia's house over the weekend. Pat was pet-sitting for two dogs - a chocolate Lab and a cockapoo - and had his own dogs - Garcia, Tye, Minnow, so between us we had a house of seven dogs for the afternoon. What a riot!

Vinson and Watson loved the company and took advantage of the fenced yard to run and play with their new and old pals.

A kitchen full of dogs while Pat cooks

Friday, April 6, 2012

Great New Friends

This morning Vinson had a special opportunity to say hello to the current SESY (Seeing Eye Seminar for Youth) class at The Seeing Eye. A few times a year, The Seeing Eye hosts high school students who are blind or visually impaired for a seminar that includes a chance to experience traveling with a Seeing Eye dog.

Vinson and I entered the meeting room while the students were on break. They immediately noticed the sound of a dog on leash entering the room, and Vinson quickly assumed his spot as the center of attention - petting and lots of kisses ensued.

Another touching Seeing Eye moment...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

New Vinson Spring Banner on

Vinson's latest banner features a spring theme and is now in rotation on the homepage. I used a photo of Vinson and combined it with a shot of two blooming daisies, one of which has a bright red lady bug on it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

and then the Phone Rang

Just got off the phone with Jill, our Puppy Development Area Coordinator. It was the call we knew would be coming soon; Vinson is being summoned back to The Seeing Eye for processing into the training program!

This is a monumental moment in the puppy raising process - the goal we've been shooting for but the bittersweet moment when Vinson's time with us must come to an end.

The Seeing Eye provides raisers with an adequate return window of time to accomodate family planning and allow for flexibility. Vinson must be handed over to Jill between April 23 and May 10.

It should be said that being called back for training does not guarantee Vinson will complete the program. He will go through thorough medical and behavioral evaluations, and then move on to harness training. At any point during this time a problematic issue could eliminate him from guide consideration. But for now, aside from his wild puppy energy, we have no reason to think our little friend won't go on to do big things. And if he doesn't, he's got a permanent home with Sarah, Watson and myself on standby.

Once Vinson goes in, I will no longer be able to interact with him as that can cause distraction and interfere with the need for him to bond with his trainer. This will be difficult for me since I will inevitably see him around campus.

My hope is to have some kennel and training staff share information which I can post on this blog so we can all learn about our pup's experience once they leave us. 

It's just a few weeks now... Stay tuned. The part that people always ask us about is coming.