Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Big Day!

Today is the big day we've been working toward since that special day - April 18, 2011 - when tiny, 7-pound Vinson entered our lives.

At noon today, Vinson's area coordinator, Jill, will meet Sarah and I in my office at The Seeing Eye to officially bring Vinson to the kennel. There, his processing will begin - health screening, neutering and evaluation, after which he'll be ready to be matched with a trainer.

We'll be posting any information we receive about Vinson's progress along the way. We're keeping our fingers crossed that he'll be able to focus on his job and be a great success, but no matter how everything turns out we're super proud of him!

Here's a photo of Vinson playing with two Great Danes in the big field this morning!

Vinson and the Danes


  1. wow, today came really quick. I've enjoyed reading Vinson's blog and watching him learn and grow. I'm actually very sad-- silly right since this is the goal of the program. Congratulations mom and dad, you've done a fantastic job and I know Vinson's about to start a very exciting new phase.

  2. Our thoughts are with you on this momentous day, am guessing it's all a bit bittersweet? THANK you for all the work you both did to groom Vincent for his potential new career -- very, very generous and very, very much appreciated by those of us who work with Seeing Eye dogs. Cheers!
