Monday, February 27, 2012

Happy First Birthday, Vinson!

Vinson is one year old today! To celebrate, Sarah made cupcakes for the Seeing Eye staff and took the day off and came to work with Vinson, Watson and myself.

Sarah, Vinson and Ryan

On the table with the cupcakes we posted a collage of photos from the adventurous ten months of Vinson's time with us:

Plenty of great memories


  1. Happy Birthday Vinson! Wow - so much to celebrate! Here's to you and Ryan and Sarah!

  2. Happy Birthday Vinson! We've really enjoyed following your first year.

  3. Hi Ryan and Vinson ~ Yesterday our 14th pup was placed with us. We have had a blog which documents the last 2 puppies we raisied and I hope to continue blogging about the adventures with "Yellow Girl".

  4. Happy birthday Vinson! I enjoy reading Ryan's blog and following your adventures. I had many chuckles from your experiences.
